Monday, March 12, 2012

A Powerful Nectar

Hello everyone! It's been almost a week since my last post. There have been some exciting developments in my world, including the launching of a new book of essays on yoga in North America. I am fortunate to be one of several talented writers and practitioners in this volume, and hope that you will help spread the word to anyone you think might be interested in reading it.

Please click here for a more in depth write up on the book, as well as a link to our current fundraising campaign.

As for my practice these days, I have been struck lately by the power of perseverance combined with letting go of both attachment to forms, as well as all outcomes.

There is no repeat performance, and no final outcome.

Even if you are doing sitting or walking meditation in the same manner, day after day, it's never exactly the same.

Even when something appears to have proven to be beneficial or not, there is always something new in the next moment and the next.

Some days, I sit still and silent like the ancient ones. Other days, I meditate while moving like the ancient ones.

Perseverance is motivated by something much deeper than any particular form or outcome.

In the realm of the material, the seen world, it's a continual risk taking. For example, throughout much of the time I was writing, I had no idea whether the essay I spoke of above was actually going to make the cut. Writing it was a challenge, and there were many moments when I just wanted to give up, feeling that I wasn't ready to say what I wanted to say.

On the other hand, there is a place inside each of us where there is no such thing as risk. No such thing as succeeding or giving up.

To persevere, you have to touch that house of love, and drink in it's powerful nectar.

Again and again, there is this drinking, and then returning the gift, slightly transformed, to the world.

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