Sunday, February 3, 2013

Zen Seemlessness

I want to offer a few links to you all today.

First off, I just finished this post on my other blog and thought it would be of interest to readers here. It's a post about mindfulness and relationships, and has definitely been influenced by my spiritual practices.

Next, a few weeks ago, I gave the Sunday morning dharma talk at zen center. Given all the work our board of directors has been doing on the community's long term vision, it was a good opportunity for me to share how I've make that work into a discipline and practice.

And finally, the webzine I have a regular column for - Life as a Human - just turned three years old. My writings have been hosted there from the beginning, and I'm pleased to be part of their ongoing team of writers from around the world. Here's my latest postover there.

*The above is a photograph I took last summer on a bike ride through St. Paul.

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