My new post over at Turning Wheel covers Obamacare and practicing with hot button issues. Head over there and check it out! Also, Buddhist Peace Fellowship is running it's annual fundraising campaign. This year, one of their goals is to finance a national gathering of engaged Buddhists in 2014. You know I'm totally excited about that!! If you're excited about the work BPF is doing, and/or want to thank them for supporting and featuring my writing this summer and fall, offer a donation or spread the Indiegogo link.
Readers are often asking me for suggestions on good reads. If you're looking for books on zen
There's been a lot of discussion about this post about Zen teachers and money over at Sweeping Zen. I contributed to the comments section, which has several interesting perspectives. One of our regular readers, Mumon, offered a whole post on the topic as well.
Finally, Kobutsu Malone of the Engaged Zen Foundation is trying to raise funds to help pay for the medical expenses of a Thai Buddhist monk from Oklahoma who was brutally assaulted during a robbery in late August. Please share his story with your networks.
Thanks for the shout-out, Nathan.
Really I have to thank Justin Whitaker, without whom I would never have found that interesting Tutteji site, which kind of cried for a straightforward articulation of their complaint and an attempt at measured dialogue.
Dharma in the West is a very precious thing. In my opinion, it's not a boast to say that the Buddhadharma represents the last best hope for religion.
" that interesting Tutteji site"
I need to dig into that one some more. The whole debate on Justin's article was interesting to me as well.
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